Welcome to the digital resources page of the Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC). Here, we provide access to a range of innovative tools and systems designed to support sustainable water and land management practices. Our resources are crafted to aid researchers, policymakers, and practitioners in their efforts to promote environmental stewardship and informed decision-making.

WALRIS (Water and Land Resource Information System) WALRIS is a comprehensive knowledge management system that offers a centralized repository for data and information on water and land resources. It supports cross-scale policy-making and facilitates policy dialogue, making it an essential tool for stakeholders involved in sustainable land management.

Knowledge Management System Our Knowledge Management System (KMS) provides structured access to a wealth of information on sustainable land and water management practices. This system is designed to enhance the dissemination and application of research findings, ensuring that knowledge is shared and utilized effectively.

ESPAWM-AGS (Exit Strategy, Performance, and Sustainability Assessment for Watershed Management – Assessment Guidelines and Software) ESPAWM-AGS is a specialized tool developed to evaluate the sustainability and performance of watershed management interventions. It helps in planning exit strategies and ensuring that management practices are sustainable in the long term.

Ethio-Water Audit Ethio-Water Audit provides comprehensive assessments of water resources across different regions. This tool is crucial for understanding water availability, usage, and management, thereby supporting effective water conservation strategies and planning.

Awashware Awashware is a suite of tools tailored for the Awash Basin, focusing on water resource management and planning. It provides valuable data and modeling capabilities to support sustainable management practices in this critical region.

Ethio-GIS III Ethio-GIS III is the latest version of our geographic information system, designed to offer spatial analysis and mapping capabilities for land and water resources. This tool is indispensable for visualizing data and conducting spatial assessments.

Watershed Tools Our Watershed Tools is capable of delineating watersheds and generating reports about the watershed automatically. .