Organizational Structure of WLRC
WLRC is organised into seven divisions containing 15 units, two on-call/outsourced services, and avenues for ensuring ethical conduct of duty, avenue for whistleblowing concerns and handling complaints, as well as regional offices with research/development site offices at the grassroots level (see the organogram presented at the back of the outer cover page).
WLRC has research, administrative, and field staffs. In 2022/23, WLRC had close to 203 staff members. Of those, 23 hold PhD and above, 34 are with Masters Degrees, and the rest hold BSc or below. Each division leads research projects and activities, with seamless internal collaboration in executing multidisciplinary projects.
At the top level of its governance, institutional oversight is provided by a Board of Trustees which is constituted of the State Ministers of the Ministries of Agriculture, Water and Energy, Finance, Innovation and Technology, Ethiopian Environmental Protection Authority, and the Director of CDE-University of Bern. The WLRC Director-General is a Member Secretary to the Board of Trustees. Project Steering Committees and Advisory Groups play technical quality assurance and advisory roles. The Director General, supported by the Deputy Director and Directors of the Divisions, is the Head of the Executive function of the Centre.