KUNZILA Integrated Landscape Management & Wash Project (KILMWA)

KILMWA Project Overview

Kunzila Integrated Landscape Management and WASH (KILMWA) is a five year (2020-2024) multi-sectoral project designed with the aim of contributing to a more prosperous and healthy population in Kunzila Watershed. The project cost of about 16 million Euro is fully funded by The Royal Netherlands Embassy in Ethiopia.
Project Area
The primary target area of the project is Kunzila watershed which is located in North Achefer Woreda, West Gojam zone of Amhara National Regional State, Ethiopia. The watershed covers six rural kebeles (namely, Sankra, Forhe, Womberia Eyesus, Wonberia Berkenta, Estumit and Kunzila Zuria) and Kunzila town. Kunzila watershed comprises 12 micro-watersheds that cover an area of 11,257 hectare of land. The project targets 36,752 people living within the watershed. Of those target beneficiaries, 27,071 persons live in the six rural kebeles and 9,529 in Kunzila town.
Project Rationale
Kunzila watershed presents a typical example of the causal connection and interaction among land degradation, climate change, poverty, and flimsy basic services. While agriculture is the main source of livelihood of the rural population in the watershed, the sector is characterised by very low production and productivity owing to complex interrelated problems. On the other hand, the area holds good potential for improvement through integrated development undertakings. For example, five horticultural companies are investing in the area, offering new employment and market opportunities for the surrounding communities. However, to improve the welfare of both the communities and the horticultural companies, there is apparent need to build the communities’ capacity to capture and harness the new opportunities acrring from those investments. It was in view of this that KILMWA was initiated by WLRC and SNV with the funding of the EKN.
Objective of the project
The overall objective of the project is to contribute to improving the wealth & health of the population in Kunzila Watershed. It aims at ensuring sustainable NRM, enhanced livelihoods & improved WASH- related health outcomes. More specifically, the objectives of the project are to:
• increase income for at least 75% of the population;
• increase access to water supply and sanitation services for all the rural population in the watershed;
• improve institutional capacity to managed and deliver safe water and sanitation in Kunzila town;
• enhance the population’s access to basic infrastructural and institutional services;
• create employment opportunities for youth (males and females);
• build communities’ institutional capacity to manage and use their landscapes in sustainable way; and
• generate scientific evidence on the processes, outputs and impacts of the ILM and WASH intervention for upscaling.
Proven and standard Integrated Watershed Management approach developed by WLRC and WASH approach developed by SNV.
Core principles of the project
• Participatory and inclusive of the communities, partners and other stakeholders. Special attention will be given to ensure the inclusion of female, the youth and minority groups in the communities.
• Integrated – Natural resource management interventions are fully integrated with livelihood interventions
• Scientific monitoring embedded in the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEL) system
• Regular and periodic performance and sustainability assessment feedback
• Inbuilt exist strategy