Gosh watershed is found in Amhara region West Gojam zone, Dembecha woreda in Sensen and Yechereka Tsion kebeles. Gosh watershed is bordered to the east by the road that goes from Dembecha to Feres Bet, to the north, Yechereka Tsion Mariam Church, to the North West Diwaro Abo Church. The total area coverage of the watershed is 490ha.
The topography of Gosh watershed is represented as a gentle slope with homogeneous landscape that changes its slope very steadily. It contains major types of landscape that makes it a representative watershed of its surrounding especially the highland and midland of Gojam. In relative speaking this watershed shows homogeneity both in topography and landscape. Thus, Gosh watershed has uncomplicated landscape simple to understand as many of the surface land features are homogenous. Except to the western and south eastern part of the watershed the majority of the watershed is cultivated land and patches of grasslands with scattered settlements. More than 60% of the watershed has >8% slope and only 15% of the watershed has a slope less than 8% which commonly found near by the water course. This makes the watershed highly suitable for crop production.
Basic Information of the watershed
Biophysical Information
- Total Area: 490ha
- Altitude:2,217 – 2,472a.s.l
- Agroecology: Woina Dega and Dega
- Average Rainfall: 1500 mm/yr
- Average Temperature: 15oC
Socio-economic Information
- Total Population: 1,517, Male: 710, Female: 807
- Average family Size: 4.9
- Livelihood: Mixed farming
- Homestead: Poor homestead management
- Major Crops: maize, teff, barley, and wheat
- Productivity: 19 qt/ha for maize, 10 qt/ha for teff, 25 qt/ha barley, and13 qt/ha for wheat
Major Challenges
- Shortage of forage source
- Lack of alternative livelihood options and limited diversification opportunities, whereby income generating activities such as non-farm and off-farm activities are limited;
- Serious soil erosion in the farm of sheet and gully
- Suitable landscape for different agricultural development (flat, moderate and sloppy landscapes)
- Possible and potential surface water development opportunities
- Livestock production, including cattle fattening, dairy, poultry and beehive production