Dr Yilikal Anteneh

Environmental Planning

Environmental planning skills and views are required for enlightened and informed involvement and community action, as well as responsible and effective professional conservation obligations and community building. Upon receiving my degree at Addis Ababa University, I went to the state government of Gambella region and undertake a World Bank consultancy engagement, followed by governmental-non-governmental advisory and technical support assignments on environmental and natural resource conservation and management perspectives. Later, joining Arba Minch University in Ethiopia facilitated a platform to practice teaching and research repetition. From an interdisciplinary perspective that allows for the exploration of the connections between social and ecological systems, and attention to “why” as much as “how” informs my environmental teaching and research approach. The engagement at WLRC makes the role of community-based participatory integrated landscape and ecosystem management and intervention at its top.


I am interested in modeling landscape dynamics and land surface processes; ecosystem services/functions; watershed management and rehabilitation; wetland management; river basin and catchment hydrology; analysis and evaluation of hydrological systems; hydrological modeling; the role of human and natural (climate, land use/cover, slope, ) factors in shaping land surface, sediment, and water resource; park and wilderness planning and management, ecological footprints; habitat assessment; environmental and social impact assessment; erosion & sediment control among others

Specialty area

Hydrological modeling, erosion & sediment control, conservation planning, ecosystem footprint and ecosystem, watershed development and rehabilitation, and wetland management


Ph.D. Environmental Planning

MSc Geography and Environmental Studies

B.A Geography

Courses Taught

GECM 516: Natural Resources Conservation

GECM 522: Participatory Integrated Watershed Management

GECM 524: Ecosystems and Ecosystem Services and Functions

GeES 411: Environment and Development

GeES 202: Applied Climatology and Environmental Hydrology

GeES 311: Geography of Natural Resource Management

GeES 612: Land Evaluation and Land use Planning

GeES 660: Geography of Agriculture and rural settlement

GECM 512: Environmental and Social Impact Assessment

GECM 514: Wetland Functions, Challenges, and Management

GECM 511: Environmental policy & the Economics of Environmental Management

GECM 523: Seminar on sustainability, society & current environmental issues


Borlaug Leadership Enhancement for Agricultural Program- Borlaug LEAP 2015

International Foundation for Science – IFS 2012

International Foundation for Science – IFS 2015

Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief Research Award


International Society for Ecological Modeling – ISEM

The Society of Ecological Restoration Africa Chapter – SER African Chapter

Research gate profile: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yilikal-Anteneh?ev=hdr_xprf


  • Yilikal A., Gete Z., Phillip A., Ephrem G., 2022 Coupled runoff-sediment responses to conservation-based water supply management intervention in the Legedadie–Dire catchments in Central Ethiopia: an investigation using SWAT hydrological model, journal of sustainable water resources management (accepted article on Dec 11, 2022)
  • Yilikal, A., Alamirew, T., Zeleke, G. and Kassawmar, T., 2022. Modeling runoff-sediment influx responses to alternative BMP interventions in the Gojeb catchment, Ethiopia, using the SWAT hydrological model.
  • Yilikal, A., Stellmacher, T., Zeleke, G., Mekuria, W. and Gebremariam, E., 2018. Dynamics of land change: insights from a three-level intensity analysis of the Legedadie-Dire catchments, Ethiopia. Environmental monitoring and assessment, 190(5), pp.309-309
  • Yilikal, A., Gete, Z., Ephrem, G., 2017. Assessment of surface water quality in Legedadie and Dire catchments, Central Ethiopia, using multivariate statistical analysis
  • Yilikal, A., 2010. Household Resource Scarcity and Management in Ethiopia-Livelihood Strategies and Options of Farming Holders in Debate Woreda: Benishangul-Gumuz Region. Germany, VDM Verlag Muller Gmbh & Co. KG publishing house
  • Yilikal, A., Zeleke G., Gebremariam E., 2019. Valuing Water Supply: Ecosystem-Based Potable Water Supply Management for Legedadie – Dire Catchments, Central Ethiopia, Journal of Ecological processes
  • Yilikal A., Gete Z., Phillip A., Ephrem G., 2018. Landscape Transformation in the Legedadie – Dire Reservoirs Catchments and the Role of Ecosystem Based Water Supply Management
  • Kleinschroth, F., Lumosi, C., Bantider, A., Anteneh, Y. and van Bers, C., 2021. Narratives underlying research in African river basin management. Sustainability Science, 16, pp.1859-1874.