In the month of December 2024, 10 thematic groups of the BRIGHT project conducted workshops aimed at refining Terms of joint Engagement (ToJE), and finetuning prioritized operational plans and fostering joint actions within its 10 thematic areas. The workshops also focused on strengthening team capacity to move towards effective implementation.
The 10 thematic areas addressed were:
1. Water Sensitive Urban Planning (WSUP) Thematic Area, 4-7 Dec, Yod Abyssinia, Adds Ababa
2. Basin Management Plan (BMP) Preparation Thematic Area, 16- 22 Dec, Dallol Hotel Adadma,
3. Aquatic Ecosystem Health, 24 – 27 Dec., Adama,
4. Surface Water 23 – 25 Dec. 2024, Adama Hill Hotel, Adama,
5. Water Use Conflict Analysis, 24 – 26 Dec. 2024, Yod Abyssinia Hotel, Addis Ababa,
6. Groundwater Thematic Area, 25 – 27 Dec. 2024, Melka Adama Hotel, Adama,
7. Water Permit, Tariff and Use Thematic Area, 25 – 27 Dec. 2024, Adama,
8. Climate Thematic Area, 27 – 29 Dec. 2024, Adama Hill Hotel, Adama,
9. Gender and Social Inclusion Thematic Area, , 30 -31 Dec. 2024, Adama,
9. Gender and Social Inclusion Thematic Area, , 30 -31 Dec. 2024, Adama,
10. Human and Institutional Capacity Development Team, 30 -31 Dec. 2024, Ivy Hotel, Bishoftu.
A total of 194 participants took part in these workshops. Among the attendees, 30 were women, reflecting efforts to promote gender inclusion. Among the participants in the Surface Water Thematic area was a mother from Mekelle, who dedicatedly joined the Team with her 7-month-old baby girl. The mother and her baby were incentivised for the extra commitments.