WLRC Conducts Board of Trustees Annual Meeting

WLRC conducted the Board of Trustees (BoT) Annual Meeting on April 4, 2024 in Haile Resort, Arba Minch, Ethiopia. The agenda items were: 1) approval of the previous year (2021/22) BoT Meeting minutes; 2) approval of the 2022/23 Annual Report and 2023/24 Annual Plan; 3) approval of the 2022/23 Audit Report; and 4) emerging institutional issues of the Centre.

WLRC Conducts Awash Basin-level Research Output Dissemination Workshop on Water Security and Sustainable Development

Water and Land Resource Centre (WLRC) in association with International Water Management Institute (IWMI) disseminated research outputs of Water Security and Sustainable Development Hub (GCRF) Project and Improving Water for the Poor (REACH) Project at a workshop entitled, “Building water-secure future in the Awash Basin: insights from water security researches”, which was held on the 1st and 2nd of April 2024 at Haile Grand Hotel, Addis Ababa. The aim of the workshop was to share the research findings of the hub project with relevant stakeholders operating in the Awash Basin and encourage them to implement insights of research outputs in view of realizing a water secure future in the basin.

Joint Launching of IWRM-focused Projects

The FDRE Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE), Water and Land Resource Centre – Addis Ababa University, and Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in Ethiopia organised and conducted a high-level event for joint launching of Basin Development Support for Resilient, Inclusive Growth and Harmonized Transformation in the Water Sector of Ethiopia (BRIGHT)- Project and BaSRINET Project, both of which focus on strengthening and transforming Integrated Water Resource Management in Ethiopia on the 1st of March 2024 at Hyatt Regency Hotel, Addis Ababa.

Finance and Budget Manager/Head

WLRC is looking for a Finance and Budget Manager/Head on a Fixed-term full time contract renewable on yearly basis contingent upon outstanding performance of the staff and availability of funding. The place of work is Addis Ababa and reports to Director of People, Resources & Operations Division.