Since 2011, WLRC engaged in and successfully completed a number of projects. The completed ones include the following projects:
- Resource Availability Assessment Methodology (RAAM) for Land and Water Related Interventions in the Wabi-Shebele and Genale Dawa (Juba) River Basins (RAAM I-III);
- Economics of Land Degradation (ELD);
- Exit Strategy, Performance and Sustainability Assessment of Watershed Management (ESPAWM-AGS) to improve impact of external support in Sustainable Land Management Programme;
- Research for Development (R4D);
- Ethiopian Learning Landscapes for People, Food, and Nature (ELLPFN in Ethiopia);
- Output-based Aid (OBA) approach to irrigation development in Ethiopia (OBAMETAMETA);
- Improving accessibility of MODIS-derived Time Series Vegetation Indices Using Web Service;
- Transforming Environmental and Rural Livelihoods in Ethiopia- Best Practices and Principles of MERET (Managing Environmental Resources to Enable Transition to More Sustainable Livelihoods) Project and Its Future Strategic Orientations” (BPP-MERET-WFP);
- A Decision-Analytic Framework to explore the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in complex and transboundary water resources systems of fast growing developing countries (DAFNE);
- Water Resource Development and Use Information System (WaterAudit) projects.
Currently, most of the technical activities of the Centre are project based. The map below highlights active projects in WLRC.