Basin Management Support for Resilient, Inclusive Growth and Harmonized Transformation for the National IWRMP of Ethiopia (BRIGHT)
Basins Covered Under the Bright Project
Basin Management Support for Resilient, Inclusive Growth and Harmonized Transformation for the National IWRMP of Ethiopia (BRIGHT) is covers five basins:
Abbay Basin
The Abay River Basin is the second largest basin in Ethiopia and covers 20% of the country's territory.
Awash Basin
The Awash River Basin is one of Ethiopia's 12 river basins and is the most utilized. The basin covers 114,123 square kilometers and includes five regional states and two administrative councils.
Tekeze Basin
The Tekeze Basin spans 69,000 square kilometers, streching from the Ethiopian-Eritrean border in the north to the Sudanese border in the west
Rift Valley Lakes Basin
The Rift Valley Lakes Basin (RVLB) is a 53,000 square kilometer area that forms the southern part of the Main Ethiopian Rift.
Omo Gibe Basin
The Omo-Gibe River Basin is a river basin that extends across the border of Ethiopia and Kenya. The basin is made up of two river sub-basins: the Omo-Gibe in Ethiopia and the Rift Valley Catchment Area in Kenya.