In Ethiopia, SLM (Sustainable Land Management) has been believed to achieve the three objectives of increasing agricultural production, reducing poverty and ensuring sustainable use of the natural resources (Berhanu et al., 2010), especially since the early 1990s.SLM practice has been implemented, aimed at promoting private and collective efforts to conserve natural resources (Berhanu et al., 2010). Hence, ensuring water security through SLM is a matter of critical importance for agricultural growth in Ethiopia.
REACH: Improving Water Security for the Poor research project in Ethiopia since 2015 (https://reachwater.org.uk).The Water and Land Resource Center (WLRC) is the host in Ethiopia; where Oxford University is the main international lead of the REACH project. REACH has completed the first phase of the implementation has been extended until 2024. This is a major vote of confidence in the program, particularly in the current economic climate, and recognition of the novel research over the past few years. Believing that the announcement will boost our partnerships with offices to extend collaboration and ensure our research impact.
With this in mind REACH organized a two days of an SLM-CR event workshop under the theme “Advances in SLM-Water Security, Climate Information Flow and Public Launch for Awash Ware Online Database System”. The workshop was held from 24-25 August 2023 at Azzeman Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
The main objectives of the workshop were, to present current research results, as well as learn for future on implication of SLM on water security, to disseminate advances and tools in climate information flow and to publicly launch AwashWare database for future research, development and policy.
Stakeholders participating in the workshop included members from Ministry of Agriculture National and Regional SLMP coordinators from 8 regional coordination Units, various desk heads and directors from Ministry of Water and Energy, Ethiopian Meteorology Institute (EMI), World Bank_SLM, GIZ, UNICEF, IWMI, Ethiopia Institute of Water Resources (EIWR), WLRC staffs.
Day one, after welcoming remarks by Dr. Solomon GGebrehiwot (REACH director) and Dr. Tena Alamirew Deputy General Manager of WLRC, research papers by REACH staff members, Dr Solomon, Dr. Melku, Dr. Eskindir and kidist were presented which was followed by an engaged reflections on the papers presented and the way forward on issues on SLM and how stakeholders should work together and make their network among themselves more stronger so as to exchange data and information in a better way to improve SLM systems.
Day 2 was equally engaging. Dr. Ermiyas, Ellen and Dr.Solomon presented on advances information flow. This session was followed by the launch of Awashware software were participants were shown a step by step guideline on how to use the AwashWare software. This system was thoroughly explained by Ato Samuel –IT staff member of WLRC.
This workshop was supported by the REACH: Water Security for the Poor Project funded with UK Aid from the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) (Project code 201880).