Debre Mewi

Topographically, Debre Mewi watershed is characterized by gentle slope with homogeneous landscape that changes its slope steadily. However, the watershed contains important land features that makes it a representative watershed of the surrounding area especially the highland and midland of Gojam. Therefore, in relative speaking this watershed shows homogeneity both in topography and landscape. Thus, Debre Mewi watershed has uncomplicated landscape, which is simple to understand as many of the surface land features have similarity. More than 60% of the watershed has a slope greater than 8% and less than 10% of the watershed is considered as flat. However, the watershed is seriously affected by rill and gully erosion due to poor land management and vertic nature of the soil. The watershed represents the middle part of the upper Blue Nile basin which is covered by black and fluvi soils highly susceptible for rill and gully erosion.

Basic Information of the watershed

Biophysical Information

Total Area: 770ha

Altitude: 2127-2366m a.s.l

Agroecology: Woyna Dega

Average Rainfall: 1238mm/yr

Average Temperature: 220C