Climate Smart WATer Management and Sustainable DEVelopment for Food and Agriculture in East Africa (WATDEV)

WATDEV Project Implementation in Ethiopia

Case study site:

Ethiopia’s WATDEV uses the Koga Watershed and irrigation scheme as a case study to illustrate best management practices (BMPs). The arrangement was chosen due to the existence of DebreYakob, one of the WLRC learning watersheds, and presence of reservoir and relatively better functioning Koga Irrigation Scheme. Lessons learned in the Debre Yakob watersheds will as an input to the sustainable land management models.

Selected Best Management Practices (BMPS) for scaling up and modeling

The BMPS selected for capacity development and modelling in Ethiopia for the Koga Irrigation scheme and watershed include: (i) Soil health (including composting and vermicomposting organic fertiliser, soil acidity management, and crop rotation) (i) Agroforestry; (ii) Irrigation water management including building the Irrigation Water Users Association members capacity development. The project also includes one PhD student (Mr Mulugeta Ferede) working on integrated modelling tool development registered at Wagenigen University and Research.

watdev farmer
A farmer (Ato Sinte Sinishaw) involved in WATDEV demonstrates his compost producing site.
The WLRC Director received a briefing on the WATDEV project from the CIHEAM and ASSARECA teams.
A group photo of WATDEV Farmers' group and Kebele DA who participated in the awareness session and capacity development training.
women-headed households
WLRC aims to guarantee that women-headed households receive appropriate representation in capacity-building initiatives..