Station Overview | |
Location | 39°43’E / 9°48’N. Region: Shewa;180 ENE of Addis Abeba |
Altitudinal | range: 3040 – 3548 m asl |
Catchment size | Hydrological catchment: 477.3 ha;Topographical catchment: 477.5 ha |
Climate | According to Thornthwaite: humid Mean annual temperature: 12.6 °C Mean annual rainfall: 1417 mm Length of growing period: 175 days |
Geology | Volcanic rocks: rhyolites, trachites,tuffs and basalts |
Soils | Humic and ochric Andosols, Fluvisols,Regosols and Lithosols |
Soil degradation status | High degradation status, specially in the lower part of the catchment. Soil fertility is limited through low pH and N- and P- deficiency |
Agro-ecological classification | Wet Dega / Wet high Dega |
Farming system | Smallholder mixed farming system with grain oriented roduction (barley), ox-plough farming with uncontrolled grazing practices |
Main crops | Barley |
Climax vegetation | (catchment) 1986: 41 % of the households: less than 2 ha; 55 % of the households: 2 – 5 ha 4 % of the households: more than 5 ha |
Livestock holdings (catchment) | 1983: 17.8 animals per household, in 1995: 15.4 animals, thereof 64 % sheep and goats |
Station established in | July 1982 |